
Monthly Archives: November 2013

Earthless makes the heavy rock and roll. I have to admit that it was the cover art that first grabbed me. I like that psych-rock look. When I found out that 2/3 of the trio were from bands I know and love (RFTC and Howlin’ Rain) I was in before I knew what they sounded like. This one worked out well for me.

I’m hit or miss with Herbie Hancock. I’ve got a long-standing aversion to jazz-fusion and “Rockit” is the only non-fusion HH I know. It was a massive treat to learn about this song (and album as it turns out) which is a silly-nice funk groove. I finally tracked down a vinyl copy if this record and it’s now in steady rotation.

I feel bad that I only just noticed that Drawn is gone, since posts stopped back in May.

It wasn’t on my daily list of stops but the animation and illustration that was posted there was always worth checking out.