Rushmore Rod Lavers #TeamLongjeans #ORthey

Dr. Drang make a good point here about the small iPhone form factor. It’s going to be great for some people but being able to choose the larger-sized device with squared edges would be even better. The 6+ screen size is what I want but the rounded edges make it impossible for me to hold securely.
I’m no case-hater, either. The iPhone 5 was the first time I went without and it was fine. I had the 6+ for about 20 minutes before I went case shopping. The material plays a role but it’s the rounded edges that make it a bad caseless fit for my hands.
I’m going to do this.
I got a Raspberry Pi for my birthday and intended to use it as a Media Center PC with some Plex functionality too. I wanted a catch-all media player for the bedroom tv. Those plans were scuttled because I didn’t consider remote control support for the device. This was short-sighted thinking on my part (and my DiY hopes were dashed by a smart sale on the Roku 2).
This GitHub project to bring the Alexa functionality (which reports seem to indicate is pretty cool) to my little Pi seems like an excellent use of time and effort. I only need to add minimal hardware and the GitHub project page says only two skills are required: Basic programming experience and Familiarity with shell.
I have neither of those. I’ve never used GitHib for anything.
I do, however, have the next week off for Spring Break as well as a desire to make this work.
The DC Eagle Cam is a resource provided by US Department of Agriculture and it is awesome. These two mated bald eagles are nested in a tulip poplar tree in the US National Arboretum (which is why it falls under the USDA). It’s been more than 60 years since bald eagles have nested in this area.
fter “Mr. President” and “The First Lady” raised one eaglet successfully in 2015, the 501(c)3 American Eagle Foundation partnered with the National Arboretum to install and stream two high definition video cameras from the top of the nest tree. The cameras are powered completely by a large mobile solar array that was designed and built by Alfred State College, SUNY College of Technology and was partially funded by the Department of Energy and Environment.