I know it’s just the Phillies, but after the loss the other night to the Braves this is a great win.
Mets Win!
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I know it’s just the Phillies, but after the loss the other night to the Braves this is a great win.
The ABVs went up and the discussion lingered on (3:03) Followup, (5:25) World of Warcraft: Legion, (13:40) RL Burnside “Let My baby Ride”, (19:05) Cousin Stizz “Monda”, (23:55) The Frightnrs “Nothing More to Say”, and (26:39) the Ringer.
Summer is coming to a close and we have fresh picks for your ears, Vince Staples (6:24), Cornetto Trilogy (9:37), Garmin VĂvosmart HR (12:20), “South Pacific (Sawmills Session) The Verve (16:27), Forever Summer Fest (24:14) and The Get Down (30:35).