
Monthly Archives: January 2019

Omni is an Atlanta-based rock band that makes music reminiscent of The Feelies/Devo/The Clean. Low-Fi(ish) with off-kilter rhythms and ringing guitars. These are some of my favorite things.

“Equestrian” will give you a good idea of what I’m talking about:

I passed on seeing them when they came through RVA a few months back and that was likely a mistake. …grumble grumble…

This electric kettle is one of the smartest purchases we’ve made as a family. For real.

I was electric kettle shopping 5 years ago because I kept burning stovetop kettles by forgetting that I had put them on. Like, I would put on a kettle and then see a neighbor in the street and go chat for half an hour, only to come back to an empty, dry, glowing hot kettle on our electric range. Not good.

So I went to the Wirecutter, like a proper Interneter, and bought their top pick. It was the Cuisinart CPK-17. It has pre-programmed buttons from 160 degrees through boiling so you don’t have to pay much attention when you put water on for, say, a green tea (170 degrees) or a pot of pour-over coffee (200 degrees) or a packet of instant oatmeal (boiling, baby!). We’ve had this thing for 5+ years, I use it twice a day (tea for kids and coffee for me), and we’ve never had any trouble with it. The numbers on the buttons are mostly worn off, but the element inside keeps making the water very hot.

It’s also comforting to my min/maxers heart to learn that this is still the Wirecutter’s pick for best electric kettle.

I’m a smart shopper sometimes.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a fun and spooky Netflilx show starring Kiernan Shipka as the titular Teenage Witch (you probably know her from Mad Men). She’s just great. She’s a really, really good actor and it’s fun to see her using all of those powers on this odd, tertiary character from the Archie Universe.

I’m a notorious chicken when it comes to scary shows or movies. Like, it’s embarrassing. I was half-worried that this would be too much for me based on some of the cuts in the trailer. I know. I’m embarrassed just typing that.

It’s a really well-crafted show with plenty of easter eggs for fans of classic horror which all went over my head. Still, it’s cool that they’re there. My wife and daughter got a two-episode head start on me but I caught up quickly enough and this turned out to be a great family watch for us.

And then they made and released a terrific Winter Solstice episode. This reminded me very much of a Hellboy one-shot where Mignola would learn about some crazy, cool, unknown myth and he would weave a quick story that put Hellboy in the mix.

I am an enthusiastic fan of this show.