
Monthly Archives: November 2019

Now that Adam has access to slick recording gear for work, we’ve been recording in the same room from time to time. We also had a guest for this episode so it worked out really well for everyone.

I don’t know how comfortable I am with this level of semi-professionalism.

Made another great meatloaf this weekend. 2.25 pounds, half beef (50/50 chuck and sirloin) and then ~quarter pounds of pork, chicken, lamb, and turkey.

Also have minced onion/parsley/garlic/carrot(!) with the standard bread crumbs and grated parmesan.

Also enjoyed these great beers. I’ve been losing my taste for IPAs lately, but the 10% jam from Equilibrium was impossibly well-balance for all the booze. I’m sure having it with dinner helped the cause, but I really liked it.

The (thankfully) smaller in size and ABV beer from Maine Beer Company was a perfect after dinner glass. It was borderline refreshing after the Big Dinner Beer.

I had this the other night. The Veil describes it as:

Simple Ale designed by our Funkhaüst manager Pizza Nick and brewed in collaboration with our buddies @heirloomrusticales from Tulsa, Oklahoma. We fermented this spelt Farmhouse Ale at cooler temperatures in oak with a blend of a few of our favorite brewers yeasts. Half way through conditioning we added raw Virginia honey to the barrels. It was then lightly dry hopped and naturally conditioned in the bottle to higher volumes of carbonation with the addition of more raw honey from Tulsa.

I don’t generally enjoy Farmhouse Ales but I can sometimes find something to like about them if they get a decent dry-hopping. This one was not my jam. There is some combination of farmhouse yeast strains and bottle conditioning that makes these beers taste bad to me. I bought two bottles, so I’ll give the other one as a gift to a farmhouse-loving pal.