
Monthly Archives: December 2019

I’ve been a member at The Weight Room for over 5 years now. It’s been a great place for me because I like the lifting, but more than that, I like the people and community. I’m making a concerted effort to try to hang with those people in a social way when the opportunity arises.

So I sure as hell wasn’t going to pass on a Friendsmas with this guy.

I bought a sourdough starter this month and I’m trying different things with the loaves. High on my list was a Shooter’s Sandwich. I’d made one before but it looks like that was before this install of WordPress, so I can’t link the post. I really do need to go get the old Movable Type posts and get them imported here (or somewhere).
I’m calling this iteration of the Sandwich “half-assed” because I didn’t grill up some steaks or sautee a bunch of mushrooms and onions for it. I used some leftover pot roast, American cheese and roasted turkey from the deli counter, and a few generous spoonfuls of muffuletta olive spread. It should be a fine sandwich, even if it’s not up to the Edwardian original.

It’s a precarious stack, but you really do need a lot of pressure to get things good and squished.

I wasn’t kidding about the precariousness and I was punished for my hubris. This scared the crap out of us when it toppled. The dumbbell hit the table, rolled off, and then hit the floor and rolled some more. It was a near-disaster.

First cut seems to suggest that the squishing was successful. The real test will be at lunch. My only real concern is about whether or not I should have gotten some mayo or mustard in there.

I was right, this one needed some mayo. Partly because the loaf was a few days too old, and partly because the muffuletta spread didn’t bring enough oil to the sandwich.

I can make this again, better. I still want to be able to do it with just cold cuts, which means a solid mayo application with a healthy dose of spicy brown mustard. I bet it would work as a club, with turkey and bacon and ham. Once I get the cold cut version down, I’ll take another swing with some steaks.

Cocktail got the better of me this episode. My “three” devolved into a “two”. One silver lining: it’s a quick episode to listen to!

And even with that, these are some good picks for someone on your holiday shopping list.

This is what happens when an afternoon nap runs long and you miss the window to get to the coffee shop.

I am happy to report that a Bounty Select-A-Size folded into the Chemex cone shape was an effective filter.

It all worked out okay in the end. Thanks for your concern.