
Monthly Archives: October 2020

I’ve never been a Zelda guy, but I bought this damn game 3 years ago and I played it for about 2 hours.

It’s a massive, open world and you get a bare minimum of instruction at the beginning.

Maybe it’s the pandemic, but I picked this up last month and I’ve been playing it like crazy. Now that I have some comfort with the combat and quest systems I’m really enjoying it.

The broader plan is to establish some Video Game Habits so I can get one of those new Xboxes for Christmas. We’ll see, but for now I’m getting it Zelda-style.

I actually got on that skeleton horse up there, but it kicked me off as I was grabbing my phone for a picture. 🤷🏽

Holy Smokes! There is a sequel to Desert Golfing!

Probably my all-time most-played iOS game was Desert Golfing. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it.

The sequel is Golf On Mars and I’d like to apologize in advance to all of the other things I was doing in my spare time.

I’m only a few holes in, but it looks like there have been some changes to the physics in the game, as well as to some of the hole configurations. I love it already, obvs.

It’s an hour-long “cardio tennis” clinic that I’ve been taking. It’s a lot of running around and some light tennis instruction.

I really need more on the teaching end of that scale, but I like the folks there so I keep at it.

We got one of those Solo Stoves this summer and it’s been great. We’ve never been a sit-outside-couple, but this year has forced our hand and we’re making the best of it (with a frivolous internet fire pit).