
Monthly Archives: December 2020

This was the last day of the 5RM cycle. By the book, this was 94% (about 315 lbs.) of my 5RM but it moved way easier than it should have. I’m finally starting to get some strength back after taking the pandemic off from the gym. I’m finding some of the old grooves, too, so the movements are getting more efficient.

These are the squats where I’m setting my 2-3RM for the next few weeks of training. I’ve been battling some hip tightness so I’m super-slow going down and I’m not getting very deep. There’s plenty of strength coming up, though, so I’m not worried. I’m happy with the weight for now (365 lbs.) but I need to stretch and stretch and stretch.

This felt a lot heavier than it looks. I’m happy again with the weight (235 lbs.) and it should be a challenging 2-3RM base for the next couple of training weeks. Maddie is obviously a dancing machine.

I’m shooting for a 1000 lb. total at the meet in late February. It is a conservative goal and I think I can get there if I stick to the training.

Music and books and games, oh boy! Happy Holidays!


###Followup and Footnotes

Been tinkering with the phone camera and some of the layout tools in WordPress.

It took a few attempts to get the fire pit overhead shot. I was worried about melting my phone case.

The martini one is from one of the Halide lessons. When you in-app purchase the Pro(?) tier you get 10 lessons via email. It’s pretty handy.

The house photo was the night camera. I’ve been dabbling in some Hue lighting around the house and the blue bedroom stands out in a cool way.

Friday mornings are for Early Bird biscuits and grabbed the fisheye shot while waiting for my order.

And lastly, our youngest had another birthday, which is awesome. The iPhone does a nice job of capturing photos by birthday candlelight.

Chocolate Sombrero. I think “Mexican-Style” means pepper spicy. There might be something there but it’s pretty mild. The Prairie Bomb is my reference for this kind of thing.

It’s only okay.

I should spread them out more but I didn’t want a beer last night. Sorry.

Pecan Pie Porter is fun to say and easy to drink. I spent a winter getting into porters a few years ago. It’s a nice compromise where you get a lot of the maltiness of a big stout with a much lower ABV

This one was much more “porter” than “pecan pie”, which is a positive in my book.

Space Cake is a really great DIPA that I’ve had several times. At 9% it’s one to be wary of but, man, is it tasty.

This is the only one in the box so I’ll be fine.