
Monthly Archives: October 2022

Stuck in the Phoenix airport long enough to miss all of my connecting flights home, but I’ll land in Charlotte too late to do anything.

Not that I need a reason to have a cold one and a sandwich, but this’ll do.

Tennis weekend wrapped up with a drive out into the Arizona desert.

Jerome is an old copper mining town that exists now as mostly a tourist stop along a twisty mountain road through the red rocks. Neat little place.

I wasn't allowed to tell my W. C. Fields joke, but we found a way to get through it anyway.


  • Adam – water
  • Mike – Gin and Tonic

###Followup and Footnotes

This sumbitch was eyeballing me while I took a call outside this afternoon.

I was the bigger man and just walked away. World’s got enough trouble without me stomping a sassy mantis, y’know?