
Monthly Archives: August 2024

Day two in Montana got off to a promising start because a cold front had blown through overnight. The wind and light rain cleared all of the smoke and overcast blegh, so the Big Sky show was in full effect. The day’s schedule consisted solely of an excursion south into Yellowstone National Park. I wanted to see as many of the Park’s wild animals as I could, and it was slow going.

This chipmunk was as good as it got, at first. I don’t know if the smoke from earlier in the week had the animals in hiding, but we didn’t see much for the first hour or two. It didn’t really matter since the scenery was as advertised and a complete stunner at every turn.

I was tickled by the way fishermen would just pull off the road and walk down to the river to get after it. Like, no parking lots or anything. If you’ve got a license to fish (and you better have one because the park rangers don’t play with that shit), you’re free to go.

We stopped to take in some of the majesty at an overlook that featured this waterfall.

And if you are going to have wooden rails to keep people from falling, you’re going to get the good pocketknife graffiti.

We eventually saw just about every animal I’d hoped for.




What they call “tourons“:

We also saw some packrats, prairie dogs, ducks (we have those here, though, so not so impressive), a gopher, and a mountain goat, but I didn’t get photos of those.

I just couldn’t get over how crazy it was to have mountains everywhere. It’s a beautiful place.

They also get dozens of feet of snow in the winter, so there’s no chance in hell I’d live there.

A few weeks back, Jack White released a new record as a giveaway for anyone buying something from one of the Third Man Records shops. Clear vinyl, white label, plain sleeve. I guess owning and operating an in-house vinyl pressing plant has some advantages. After the release, the Third Man social media accounts seemed to promote ripping it and posting it online, hence these youtube embeds of the record. It’s a good one. A lot of the talk was about “a return to the White Stripes”, which isn’t completely off-base because these are mostly blues songs, but the band on these songs is bigger and the sound is not as raw-raw.

As an aside, I went to the store in Nashville a few years ago and it’s a really cool spot.

The album has since had an official release, streaming and physically, which is cool for me. I’ve played it enough that I’ll probably by a copy.

Most of my work travels will be driving but I caught a flyer for a quick trip to Bozeman, MT. As a full-sized fellow, plane travel is not my preferred mode, and I caught a couple of classic “business flyer” snafus along my way.

I’m sure I’ll get over it at some point, but seeing major US cities from the air still gets me stoked. Chicago is cool-looking (and some outrageous gate arrival luck let me make my connecting flight to Bozeman despite a big delay getting out of Richmond).

The California wildfires had laid a big blanket of smoke on Bozeman and it looked like I was going to be denied the full “Big Sky Country” experience. It was still neat to see, as I’d never been to this part of the country before.

I hit the ground a grabbed a beer and couple of slices to fuel up for the list of places I wanted to hit before the working started.

Unfortunately, the comic shop I had on my list wasn’t open, and this cool-looking record shop was closed Mo-We for the month of July.

I didn’t get totally shut out though, as Cactus Records was there for me to scratch my travel shopping itch.

I forgot to mention these swanky cowboy boots I got in Abingdon. I’ve never owned a pair, so when I had a chance to get an appointment at LaGrange Leather, I had to take it. It was fun trying on some wild exotic stuff, but in the end I went with a regular cowhide.

I do enjoy a fun shoe. Breaking these in might be the end of me.

We celebrated my wife’s recent birthday at the horse track, of all places. We’re casual fans of the Triple Crown races, so we took a trip east of Richmond to see some smaller-scale races. It was a blast.

Gambling isn’t generally my thing, but it was fun to learn a little about how to bet on horses. My 90’s NBA fandom was showing with this dumb bet in the last race.

Vinsanity didn’t pay off.

Had a recent work run that took me to Roanoke, Marion, and Abingdon Virginia. It was a good chunk of driving to a part of the state I hadn’t yet visited. I took the non-highway route to Roanoke, because it’s pretty.

Good breakfast and a clean mid-2000’s 4Runner.

Abingdon has a special charm, and a revolutionary-war-era Tavern that now holds a great steak house.

There isn’t a way back from Abingdon that isn’t on Interstate 81, but there were still some sights.