October was pretty full. I got hooked up with some tickets to the 2024 Dominion Energy Charity Classic, which is a stop on the PGA Senior Tour. They don’t call it that any more, I think because the golfers don’t want to be called “seniors”, but that’s basically what it is.
I had never been to a golf tournament in person before and we had a lot of fun on day when the weather was perfect.

I didn’t know at the time, but this event is a big deal locally and for the players. We got the whole bus-from-the-lot treatment.

Right out of the gate I spied Rocco Mediate’s fly Jordan’s. I like to think that I’d be cool enough to pull of J’s on the golf course (but who am I kidding?).

I know I am cool enough, and have the corresponding golf skills, to get stuck behind a green-side crepe myrtle.

the whole day was cool but the highlight for me was following Ernie Els for a handful of holes. He’s a beast, and definitely someone I remember watching on tv in his prime.