
Monthly Archives: January 2025

2025 is the third year for my 5 Year Midori diary.

If you’ve been reading this site for any amount of tine, you know that I go through bouts of regular posting and then long stretches of not posting. It’s not different in this paper diary, but I usually start the year with a promise to do better and then spend the middle of the year not writing here or there.

It’s a neat system and the long timeframe means it will be there for me when I get back to it. It is as cool as you’d think to open to a date and see what was on my mind in 2023. I forget so much.

While the snow was lovely to look at, it created some real problems here in Richmond. Power issues that led to water outages and subsequent boil orders for the city and surrounding counties.

I did get this nice photo of an icy tree:

It would have been cooler to be able to drink tap water, though.

All is well now, thank goodness, and I didn’t have it nearly as bad as some folks.

This is one of those things that makes you want to dabble in some prepping. Not like months of food, but maybe stowing some water in those long-term storage jugs.

This Far Side cartoon is an all-time favorite of mine. To the point where it has become a punchline for us here at home whenever someone pushes a door labeled “pull”.

I lol’d at the Washington Post’s mini crossword clue this morning.

We got a big Harry and David gift box at the office last week. Folks in the department didn’t know what it meant, so I was quick to grab the Golden Pear.

There was a solid 5-year run where I’d get a box of the Harry and David pears from my parents for Christmas. It was a beautiful time.