RCC/GroundForce IT Snowflake Ride, 2013


2nd Annual Snowflake Ride from RCC this afternoon. Met up with some of the folks from our normal Sunday Rides and rode to Ashland and back. A terrific hook for this ride was that they offered soup and bread and beer at the end. There must have been 30 Crock Pots with different soup, bags of bread, a couple of apple pies, and tubs full of iced-down beer. Solid times.

As far as the ride went, I was okay for the first time on my bike in a month. My lungs were good thanks to all of the running I’ve been doing. My legs got heavy and tired at the end, though. Running is just different so its not a one-to-one benefit. Still, I didn’t pull anything and I banked enough calories to enjoy a couple of helpings of soup bread and beer. I hope this marks the start of steady Sunday Rides again. I like them.