Bozeman 1

Most of my work travels will be driving but I caught a flyer for a quick trip to Bozeman, MT. As a full-sized fellow, plane travel is not my preferred mode, and I caught a couple of classic “business flyer” snafus along my way.

I’m sure I’ll get over it at some point, but seeing major US cities from the air still gets me stoked. Chicago is cool-looking (and some outrageous gate arrival luck let me make my connecting flight to Bozeman despite a big delay getting out of Richmond).

The California wildfires had laid a big blanket of smoke on Bozeman and it looked like I was going to be denied the full “Big Sky Country” experience. It was still neat to see, as I’d never been to this part of the country before.

I hit the ground a grabbed a beer and couple of slices to fuel up for the list of places I wanted to hit before the working started.

Unfortunately, the comic shop I had on my list wasn’t open, and this cool-looking record shop was closed Mo-We for the month of July.

I didn’t get totally shut out though, as Cactus Records was there for me to scratch my travel shopping itch.