As I mentioned, I had occasion to travel to Florida for a quick work trip. I stopped on my way from the airport to take in some of the natural beauty on offer.

I also saw this sick Rabbit.

I took some time to say “hey” to the ocean. I haven’t been for an official visit in a while but I try to check in when I can. It looked pretty good. It told me to tell you “hi”.

I flew into Orlando and had to get down to Vero Beach. I saw this sign on my way to the working part of the trip and I half-thought it was something I imagined. This would be very on-brand for my imagination.

It was very real. There’s a whole goddamn dirt (sand?) road that runs between the main road and the walled-garden neighborhoods in Vero Beach. I could have driven for an hour, but I had to get back up to Orlando for my flight.

The dumb camera zoom slider on the iPhone 16 Pro made miss this whole ridiculous Hummer I saw. I was able to get a decent crop out of it, but you really should have seen the whole thing.