

Our oldest lives in Chicago and adopted a cat last year. I’m not generally a pet guy, but this attractive (and certainly sturdy? well-fed?) Siamese could have a place in my house and heart.

I don’t know that our suburban windows would offer much of a traffic/people view but we would carry the day in birds and small woodland creatures.

As I mentioned, I had occasion to travel to Florida for a quick work trip. I stopped on my way from the airport to take in some of the natural beauty on offer.

I also saw this sick Rabbit.

I took some time to say “hey” to the ocean. I haven’t been for an official visit in a while but I try to check in when I can. It looked pretty good. It told me to tell you “hi”.

I flew into Orlando and had to get down to Vero Beach. I saw this sign on my way to the working part of the trip and I half-thought it was something I imagined. This would be very on-brand for my imagination.

It was very real. There’s a whole goddamn dirt (sand?) road that runs between the main road and the walled-garden neighborhoods in Vero Beach. I could have driven for an hour, but I had to get back up to Orlando for my flight.

The dumb camera zoom slider on the iPhone 16 Pro made miss this whole ridiculous Hummer I saw. I was able to get a decent crop out of it, but you really should have seen the whole thing.

I’ve been listening to (and loving) this one for a couple of weeks and I cannot remember where I found it. It’s a good one, no doubt. Two married couples make up the band and there’s some excellent Gum Country (my fave record of 2020) vibes and enough guitar fuzz to draw My Bloody Valentine and Lush comparisons.

The album artwork is great, too.

Had occasion to catch the end-of-semester dance show at ODU. I’ve seen a lot of these over the years and they’re almost always a great time. College dance majors are on a different level.

And since we’re in baseball season, we hopped over to the ballpark to see the AAA Norfolk Tides take on the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Railriders. The Tides are apparently loaded, so we didn’t want to miss a game full of future major-leaguers.

For watercolor class I had to go sit in front of some art and spend a few minutes jotting down my thoughts.

We’ve got a great museum here in RVA so I was happy to take an hour at the end of my workday to do the assignment.

Between an iOS update and a WordPress update, image upload’s been broken for me so I’m catching up on some backlog.

Last week’s class was spent “playing” in those ovoid shapes with some different techniques. I wasn’t especially happy with any of them. I’m still too green for going that far out with stuff, IMO.

I had some time at the end of class and made that landscape-ish corner. I used some of the lesson in there, which helped.

3 hours of class after a workday is a lot. I’m usually pretty beat by the time we’re done.

I started a watercolor studio class last night. I have very little general art experience and zero painting experience, so this is all new to me.

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I’m a life-long buyer of art supplies and now I’ve finally screwed up the courage to put media to paper. I’m sure it will be humbling.

I’ve got a little small-bottle set of those iroshizuku inks. I love the tsuki-yo, which is a nice blue-black, so I reloaded the Vanishing Point with it. I use that pen a lot at the office.

The Metropolitan doesn’t get as much use, so I swapped in the kon-peki, which is a nice medium blue. I’ll find a way to get more use out of it. I love the way it looks.

Of the three pens, the Lamy Safari was the one I didn’t write out of ink. The cartridge just dried out. It’s a drag, but I have more pens than I have writing time. I still have a few of these sweet purple Lamy cartridges, so I just swapped one in.

The fountain pen fire I had at the turn of the year has cooled a good bit. I like the pens I’ve got and I use them often. I’m definitely not hot to grab more of them right now.

I’ve never been a big incense guy. I don’t mind the smells, I just constantly leave the room while they’re burning and it’s a fire hazard.

Same thing with candles. I had to stop running them when I’m alone in the house because I keep leaving the room they’re in.

This cute(?) little Japanese, match-sized, incense stick is right up my alley. Even I can sit in a room for 10 minutes, probably.