Here are some words. I’ll also add a photo.
Here are some words. I’ll also add a photo.
Let’s try posting from my phone using Ulysses.
The photos this didn’t work well from the desktop, since it was drawing from the Photos app.
Maybe from here it will pull from my phone’s photos?
I think I fixed it.
It’s been a crummy run because the WordPress app is a piece of shit and I’m not super-interested in figuring out the details of what is wrong.
I can’t use the iOS app to publish, for some god-forsaken reason, so I’ve got a workaround where I can get posts up via Ulysses.These are still a lot of fun so we’re still at it.
I read a book! Adam has some YouTube inspiration! And we both have new tunes to recommend! Enjoy!
(12:31) The Rook by by Daniel O’Malley
(16:48) “Pray for Haiti” by Mach-Hommy
(23:15) “The Ballad of Dood & Juanita” by Sturgil Simpson
(32:28) Modeling/Diorama Youtube Boylei Hobby Time || Plasmo || Luke Towan || Studson Studio
Adam – Gin (Beef Eater) + Tonic (Fever Tree)
Mike – Negroooooooni with Few Barrel Gin
Followup and Footnotes!
Music Break: Kelly Lee Owens – “Melt!”
Nacho Helmet
Safe As Milk Tunes on Spotify
Recursion (ep. 159)
CW Pencil Enterprise (ep. 122) closing up shop
Nobody (2021)
The Adventure Zone – Ethersea
Subnautica Below Zero (ep. 101)
I got a PS5 over the weekend. This is my first “real” console since the Xbox 360, waaaaay back when. Like, so long ago that it is probably in the MovableType era of
My pals have been current with the systems and they were kind enough to drag me along with them through some Call of Duty Warzone last night. It was a fun time and, despite what this video might suggest, it wasn’t all spent trying to get my audio working.
So now I’m downloading and installing a version of the game that will let me get some multiplayer reps so I’m not a complete anchor when we’re Warzoning.
Video games are fun.
I *never* get to the credits of video games. Ever. I am very comfortable letting them go if I get to a spot that’s just too hard, but when this one made my head hurt I just looked up the answer and kept moving forward. I loved it.
Three years I let this thing just sit, unplayed. Three years! I’m glad I picked it up again.