

While the snow was lovely to look at, it created some real problems here in Richmond. Power issues that led to water outages and subsequent boil orders for the city and surrounding counties.

I did get this nice photo of an icy tree:

It would have been cooler to be able to drink tap water, though.

All is well now, thank goodness, and I didn’t have it nearly as bad as some folks.

This is one of those things that makes you want to dabble in some prepping. Not like months of food, but maybe stowing some water in those long-term storage jugs.

Back in the old beer days, this would have cost you several bucks or a ransom in trade. Now, in the future, it is just something on the shelf at the beer shop. I’m glad for this future, as it is delicious. I am sure something good was lost when Goose Island got turned into a megaproducer, but having a chance to try this beer that was effectively a myth 15 years ago is a silver lining I’ll take.

I have a small group chat of friends where we share drink portraits. I’ve been hesitant to share them all here, lest you think me some kind of drinksmonger. I’ve resolved to share the good ones in 2025. You won’t be saddled with the airport Budweisers (not all of them anyway), but if I can get a classy photo of a fun cocktail I’ll go ahead and share it.