Category Archives: fun

Friendsmas 2019 with my weightlifting friends

I’ve been a member at The Weight Room for over 5 years now. It’s been a great place for me because I like the lifting, but more than that, I like the people and community. I’m making a concerted effort to try to hang with those people in a social way when the opportunity arises.

So I sure as hell wasn’t going to pass on a Friendsmas with this guy.

I’m a bad golfer

But holy smokes, the weather was perfect.

And it’s always a good time to hang out with friends. It would have been cooler if I’d played well (and not lost so many goddamn balls).

Tenacious D on Hot Ones

I’ve been keeping up with them, more or less, and this is the best of the recent bunch. They’re very funny. I especially liked the way The Bomb killed them. Been there, it’s not great.

Data Wing

Data Wing is a slick little iOS racing game from Dan Vogt. It’s free-as-in-free, too. Like, no ads, no in-app purchases, no nothing. Just a simple racer with a cute story and good music. It scratched all of the little Mario Kart places in my brain and for that, I am thankful.

Hott Minute with Jamie and Ashley

Hott Minute is a podcast that I heartily recommend. Jamie and Ashley are a couple of funny folks in Nashville and they bring some spicy takes on who (Martin Landau, Meghan Markle) and what (tress, baths) is hott. I should also add a language warning to my recommendation. They def. say “titties” a lot.

Season 1 is complete and Season 2 is probably right around the corner?

I didn’t listen to these episodes as they came out so I constantly had to fight the urge to tweet at them about the stuff they were talking about. I won’t make that mistake for this next season.

Pocket Run (iOS game)

Pocket Run is a new arcade-style billiards game for iOS. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it the last week or two. Zach Gage is the developer behind Type Shift, a game I played to pieces last year.

I really like the rotating score value for the pockets as you sink balls. It makes you look for shots you wouldn’t normally take. Same for the challenge modes in there. They keep the game interesting where a flat, one-player billiard sim might get boring.

A couple of control quibbles aside, I can heartily recommend Pocket Run as a fun arcade-y pool game.

Alto’s Odyssey

Alto’s Odyssey is the sequel to Alto’s Adventure, a great (and very chill) iOS game. The basic gameplay is the same but I think they’ve added enough new mechanics for it to feel fresh. I don’t generally get down with the endless runners, but this one does it for me. I’ve been playing a ton. It’s taken a lot of time from my other iOS obsessions, in fact.