Category Archives: fun

Omni – “Souvenir”

Very exciting! New Omni album out today. I’ve really enjoyed the angular guitar noises they make and have been absolutely kicking myself for not getting out to see them when they came through RVA a few years ago. It was one of those extra-dumb “I just don’t want to” moves, too, rather than having other plans I couldn’t get out of.

I’m not making that mistake again. They’ll be here in 10 days and touring this record, so I I have some homework to do. I wonder what the merch situation will be?

Parra Nalgene

I love-love the Parra design sense but the clothes are not cut for the full-grown man and the housewares, while beautiful, are way out of my price range.

This Nalgene I snagged from last season’s clearance sale is much more my speed. I’ll park it on a shelf at work. Surely people will recognize my excellent taste and pass along compliments. Surely.

Cup and Saucer Era

I was digging in one of the kitchen cabinets and came across a stack of china we got for our wedding (nearly 25 years ago!).

I was taken by the idea of having my coffee in a cup on a saucer. It’s not particularly practical, and the china doesn’t hold the coffee’s heat nearly as well as some of the heavier mugs we use, but daaaaamn is it fancy.

And anyone will tell you I’m known for my fanciness.

Holedown’s new look

Still playing this dang thing. There was an update a few weeks back, apparently, that changed the game’s icon and the color/sound scheme of the levels in the final stage.

I would be surprised at the Time Played for this.


I have been on these early gym mornings for a couple of weeks now. They’re getting easier to start, which is nice.

I get pretty sleepy around 10am, though. And also around 2pm.

And then again around 9pm.

Twilight canal cruise

We lucked into the best weather night of the week for a canal cruise to celebrate my sister’s birthday.

It’s a neat view of the city

ODU dance

Got lucky with a break in the weather and were able to take in a dance number our youngest was in.

It rained so hard all day and then, about an hour before their show time, it stopped.

This was part of the ODU Public Arts Festival, in conjunction with the Barry Art Museum. The theme was Fantastic Planet, which is what that glowing form is on top of the parking deck.

Rowtober is on

First regatta of the season is the Head of the Ohio in Pittsburgh, Pa.

It’s also the first regatta I’ve been to, and it’s been fun to see my kid out there doing it.

It’s a terrible spectator sport, btw.

Still watercoloring

Between an iOS update and a WordPress update, image upload’s been broken for me so I’m catching up on some backlog.

Last week’s class was spent “playing” in those ovoid shapes with some different techniques. I wasn’t especially happy with any of them. I’m still too green for going that far out with stuff, IMO.

I had some time at the end of class and made that landscape-ish corner. I used some of the lesson in there, which helped.

3 hours of class after a workday is a lot. I’m usually pretty beat by the time we’re done.

Watercolor week 1

I started a watercolor studio class last night. I have very little general art experience and zero painting experience, so this is all new to me.

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I’m a life-long buyer of art supplies and now I’ve finally screwed up the courage to put media to paper. I’m sure it will be humbling.