Category Archives: podcast

Dune Buggy

There used to be a lot of these around when I was a kid.

This looks just like Speed Buggy.

A classic for recording last week.

(man, I’ve got posts stuck in the drafts folder!)

I took a turn with Adam’s signature recording cocktail for last night’s episode: a Manhattan with Bulleit Rye and a Luxardo cherry.

Pink Jimmy for last night’s recording

Also added a couple of pink Kaiju to the desktop menagerie.

Fun recording session last night

We had Ida on as a guest again. She’s great.

I *may* have been a little too chatty. I’d say “thank goodness this isn’t my edit”, but that means that I’m also not in control of how much chatter gets through the final release.

Fingers crossed that Adam does me a solid.

Safe As Milk Podcast #130

I’m really cranky but find a way to recommend some good music. Adam’s work-from-home adventures are leading him to explore some video game and Big Boy creative tools.


Followup and Footnotes

Last night’s recording beer

After keeping 2019 recording drinks nearly 100% cocktails, it was fun to crack a beer for last night’s show.

Tröegs Nugget Nectar is a dry-hopped amber ale. This seasonal treat is a longtime favorite at our house.

My desk is a mess.