Category Archives: sports

Lifting diary, 2.

My current one-rep max on the bench is 275lbs. Here I am training with 265 on the bar and 30-35 pounds of assistance from the suspended bands. It is a little tricky to get the bands perfectly balanced, but a 2-pound difference between the sides isn’t a dealbreaker.

This exercise with the reverse bands and a paused first rep (“reverse” because I’m using the bands to assist the lift rather than add resistance to the lift) train a couple of things:
1. speed – with the bands helping you lift from the bottom you can experience moving heavy-ish weight quickly
2. explosive movement from the bottom – it’s different from speed, the pause forces you to “explode” into the up-motion instead of using momentum from a bounce off of your chest
3. heavy weight in your hands at the start – a common mental block I run into when I’m benching is just how heavy a 100% or 105% lift feels at the start. The bands allow you to feel the full weight at the top but then assist the movement through the range of motion. It’s a trick you’re pulling on your brain (which I continue to fall for) and a confidence builder.

As always, 10,000 thank-yous to everyone at The Weight Room for all of the coaching, programming, and support.

Another Liverpool piece that makes me feel better

This Deadspin article focuses a little less on the Champions League final and counts all of the good fortune of the 2017-2018 LFC season.

Luckily I still have the Mets’ bullpen catastrophe to keep me in a bad sports mood…

Liverpool 1-3 Real Madrid in the Champions League Final

I’m still kind of steamed at the cheap shot on Mo Salah (#fuckSergioRamos).

It was a tough loss but Liverpool proved that they can run with the elite clubs in Europe. They can’t always win, but they belong. This offseason will be about building bench depth. Its tough to compete with a squad that can bring Gareth freaking Bale off the bench. Sheesh.

KIEV, UKRAINE – MAY 26: Jurgen Klopp, Manager of Liverpool greets Mohamed Salah of Liverpool as he leaves the pitch injured during the UEFA Champions League Final between Real Madrid and Liverpool at NSC Olimpiyskiy Stadium on May 26, 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine. (Photo by Mike Hewitt/Getty Images)

This article did a great job of convincing me that it wasn’t all terrible.

I’m going to see them plan an exhibition in July, hopefully the World Cup doesn’t keep too much of the team from playing.

Bartolo Colon is 45

I’m embarrassed to admit that I missed Bartolo’s birthday yesterday. I’m such a fake fan.

He’s a good sport

Liverpool’s Long Road to the Champions League Final

This is a good read at The Ringer about Liverpool’s history (it’s not all great) and their resurgence this season under Jürgen Klopp (which has been mostly great).

I’m still a relatively new fan to English soccer in general but I am increasingly confident that I made the right arbitrary choice when I decided to root for LFC.

Salah & Lovren: Coffee Mates

This is adorable. Mo Salah and Dejan Lovren appear to have become pals over the course ofSalah’s 1st season with Liverpool. I def. Recommend watching with the closed-captioning on. Their English is good but the accents are thick.

Huge match this weekend. Really looking forward to it.

Lifting Diary!

I’ve made the tour through some strength sports at my gym. The last couple of posts about lifting have been from Weightlifting meets. I had been powerlifting for a while and I was looking for a change. It was fun, but now I’m ready to get strong again via Powerlifting.

That video is me trying to re-learn how to deadlift. When I first started lifting, the deadlift was the last of one I got good at. I’ve lost a lot more than I expected. I also know that I can get back there again and this slow (but steady) build is the way to go.

I should also engage salads more regularly. Sheesh….

Bartolo Colon update

This definitely caused some softball flashbacks.

Mets Big 8th Inning vs. Nationals (thank goodness!)

The feelgood start to this season would have been horribly tainted if they had been swept by The Hated Nationals. Some big bats and a couple of breaks in the 8th inning last night put pause to the bad vibes.

I’m inclined to agree with the New York Times: “The Mets believe. The season is just underway, so all the usual disclaimers apply. But they are commanding attention, and backing up their strut.”

Bartolo Colon still brings joy

He hasn’t been a Met for a while, but the 2015 season was special and I’ve been keeping up with his play. Last night he put on an impressive display with 7 perfect innings.
