****I’m going to talk spoilers, so scroll past if you want to save it****
I don’t particularly enjoy feeling bad while I’m watching tv so the whole “bad things happening to people in a tough situations” setup of ep01 had me ready to jump ship. Fortunately the second episode dipped into some recognizable tv Drama beats, so I was in. Bad things still happened, but it seemed less real.
Really great show. We remembered Angourie Rice (Siobhan in Mare) from The Nice Guys, which is overlong but underrated, IMO. She’s terrific.
The baby-in-danger scenes were the most harrowing for us (specifically the pillow in the recovery room and the bathtub scenes). That stuff skeeves me out. No bueno.
Also, the bits where we came in at the end of conversations were like you’d find in a novel: the dad making the kid promise to keep the secret, the older brother making the other brother say he did it, etc.
I thought the last twist(s) got a little Scooby Doo/Agatha Christie, but not so that it ruined the experience.
Kate Winslet was so, so good. This is one of my favorite things about prestige TV. Good writing in the hands of capital-A Actors is really something awesome.
I recommend it.