Lifting diary, 2.

My current one-rep max on the bench is 275lbs. Here I am training with 265 on the bar and 30-35 pounds of assistance from the suspended bands. It is a little tricky to get the bands perfectly balanced, but a 2-pound difference between the sides isn’t a dealbreaker.

This exercise with the reverse bands and a paused first rep (“reverse” because I’m using the bands to assist the lift rather than add resistance to the lift) train a couple of things:
1. speed – with the bands helping you lift from the bottom you can experience moving heavy-ish weight quickly
2. explosive movement from the bottom – it’s different from speed, the pause forces you to “explode” into the up-motion instead of using momentum from a bounce off of your chest
3. heavy weight in your hands at the start – a common mental block I run into when I’m benching is just how heavy a 100% or 105% lift feels at the start. The bands allow you to feel the full weight at the top but then assist the movement through the range of motion. It’s a trick you’re pulling on your brain (which I continue to fall for) and a confidence builder.

As always, 10,000 thank-yous to everyone at The Weight Room for all of the coaching, programming, and support.

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