More tennis
A couple of Saturday matches of various effort levels, and a Sunday match with good tennis but the same fun levels. It’s almost always fun.

The morning session was a chill affair with some friends. My normal doubles partner is moving up a level, so I’m trying to get some reps with another pal who I think would make a good partner. We did okay against some guys at a higher level, and there is always room to improve.

Saturday afternoon’s match was a 6.5 mixed doubles bloodbath that we won in, like, 45 minutes. Afterward, my partner suggested we hit some singles since she “wanted to try to return that serve”. We ended up playing a full set of singles that I eked out 7-5. You can see all of that Zone 4 time was when she was running my big ass all over the court.
I’m not a fan of playing singles. There is a great deal of physics at work when I’m starting and stopping all of this body, and I tend to suffer.

Sunday’s match was my second run at the 7.5 mixed combo league where I’m playing with a 4.5 lady. Most of the teams in this league are a combo of a 4.0 and 3.5 player, but since my partner is a 4.5 she had to find a 3.0 to play with.
She’s explained to me that I was picked mostly for vibes, and also because I’m okay at the net. We won a fun match in a 3rd set tiebreak against a couple of good players.
I enjoy playing mixed doubles. And these combo leagues are a lot of fun because I get to hit with people that are, mathematically, better than me. We have a couple of weeks left in the season, which is fine, because we play outside and it’s starting to get cold.