OMFGCO apron.
I like to do stuff. Call it tinkering or making or puttering, I like to goof around in the shop room at home. This apron from OMFGCO is exactly the kind of thing I think I should have on while I’m doing it.
I like it’s lined. I have a decent denim apron that I like but it’s raw denim and could use a lining (backing?) to help stay structured. The edges roll up on it a bit. I love that this OMFGCO apron has shoulder straps instead of a neck loop. Unless I’m rocking a collar, and I don’t very often, spending a lot of time in my apron gives me a pain in my neck. I’m definitely not in the market for this OMFGCO apron since it’s probably $200. Artisanal clothing isn’t something I have a lot of room for in my budget. I do like the ideas that I can borrow from it and maybe apply to my own apron with a needle and thread.