San Diego, day 1.

I’m on my bi-annual trip to San Diego to hang with my buddy Chris. We schedule it around ComiCon so we get a couple of days there and a couple dorking around town. ComiCon runs from Wednesday night to Sunday afternoon and the crowds start large and get progressively more bonkers. The plan was to go Con it up today and Friday and then dodge the weekend madness so today was the big shopping day.

The handmade crochet Totoro is a gift for my youngest. I think she will be stoked. The porcelain Beatnik Owl was on my radar going in and moved onto my get List when I saw it in person. It’s excellent. The Coarse owl friend is another one I wasn’t sure about until I saw it in person. It’s good.

Tomorrow will be about seeing everything. I’ve got one or two small things on the shopping list but nothing major (or heavy). We’re off to some Con-related parties down around the convention center now. This will be new for me. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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