The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a fun and spooky Netflilx show starring Kiernan Shipka as the titular Teenage Witch (you probably know her from Mad Men). She’s just great. She’s a really, really good actor and it’s fun to see her using all of those powers on this odd, tertiary character from the Archie Universe.
I’m a notorious chicken when it comes to scary shows or movies. Like, it’s embarrassing. I was half-worried that this would be too much for me based on some of the cuts in the trailer. I know. I’m embarrassed just typing that.
It’s a really well-crafted show with plenty of easter eggs for fans of classic horror which all went over my head. Still, it’s cool that they’re there. My wife and daughter got a two-episode head start on me but I caught up quickly enough and this turned out to be a great family watch for us.
And then they made and released a terrific Winter Solstice episode. This reminded me very much of a Hellboy one-shot where Mignola would learn about some crazy, cool, unknown myth and he would weave a quick story that put Hellboy in the mix.
I am an enthusiastic fan of this show.